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Utilities for checkpointing and logging the VMC loop.

Running queues of energy and variance histories are tracked, along with their averages. Unlike many of the other routines in this package, these are not pure functions, as they modify the RunningMetrics inside RunningEnergyVariance.

CheckpointWriter (ThreadedWriter)

A ThreadedWriter for saving checkpoints during training.

write_out_data(self, directory, name, checkpoint_data)

Save checkpoint data.


Name Type Description Default
directory str

directory in which to write the checkpoint

name str

filename for the checkpoint

checkpoint_data CheckpointData

checkpoint data which contains: epoch (int): epoch at which checkpoint is being saved data (pytree or Array): walker data to save params (pytree): model parameters to save optimizer_state (pytree): optimizer state to save key (PRNGKey): RNG key, used to reproduce exact behavior from checkpoint

Source code in vmcnet/utils/
def write_out_data(
    self, directory: str, name: str, checkpoint_data: CheckpointData
    """Save checkpoint data.

        directory (str): directory in which to write the checkpoint
        name (str): filename for the checkpoint

        checkpoint_data (CheckpointData): checkpoint data which contains:
            epoch (int): epoch at which checkpoint is being saved
            data (pytree or Array): walker data to save
            params (pytree): model parameters to save
            optimizer_state (pytree): optimizer state to save
            key (PRNGKey): RNG key, used to reproduce exact behavior from
    io.save_vmc_state(directory, name, checkpoint_data)

save_data(self, directory, name, checkpoint_data)

Queue up checkpoint data to be written to disc.

Source code in vmcnet/utils/
def save_data(self, directory: str, name: str, checkpoint_data: CheckpointData):
    """Queue up checkpoint data to be written to disc."""
    checkpoint_data = io.process_checkpoint_data_for_saving(checkpoint_data)
    # Move data to CPU to avoid clogging up GPU memory with queued checkpoints
    checkpoint_data = jax.device_put(checkpoint_data, jax.devices("cpu")[0])
    super().save_data(directory, name, checkpoint_data)

MetricsWriter (ThreadedWriter)

A ThreadedWriter for saving metrics during training.

write_out_data(self, directory, name, metrics)

Save metrics to individual text files.

Source code in vmcnet/utils/
def write_out_data(self, directory: str, name: str, metrics: Dict):
    """Save metrics to individual text files."""
    del name  # unused, each metric gets its own file
    for metric, metric_val in metrics.items():
        io.append_metric_to_file(metric_val, directory, metric)

RunningEnergyVariance (tuple)

Running energy history and variance history, packaged together.

__new__(_cls, energy, variance) special staticmethod

Create new instance of RunningEnergyVariance(energy, variance)

__repr__(self) special

Return a nicely formatted representation string

Source code in vmcnet/utils/
def __repr__(self):
    'Return a nicely formatted representation string'
    return self.__class__.__name__ + repr_fmt % self

__getnewargs__(self) special

Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

Source code in vmcnet/utils/
def __getnewargs__(self):
    'Return self as a plain tuple.  Used by copy and pickle.'
    return _tuple(self)

RunningMetric dataclass

Running history and average of a metric for checkpointing purposes.


Name Type Description
nhistory_max int

maximum length of the running history to keep when adding new values

avg jnp.float32

the running average, should be equal to jnp.mean(self.history). Stored here to avoid recomputation when new values are added

history deque[jnp.float32]

the running history of the metric

move_history_window(self, new_value)

Append new value to running history, remove oldest if length > nhistory_max.


Name Type Description Default
new_value jnp.float32

new value to insert into the history

Source code in vmcnet/utils/
def move_history_window(self, new_value: jnp.float32):
    """Append new value to running history, remove oldest if length > nhistory_max.

        new_value (jnp.float32): new value to insert into the history
    if self.nhistory_max <= 0:

    history_length = len(self.history)

    self_sum = history_length * self.avg
    self_sum += new_value
    history_length += 1

    if history_length >= self.nhistory_max:
        oldest_value = self.history.popleft()
        self_sum -= oldest_value
        history_length -= 1

    self.avg = self_sum / history_length

ThreadedWriter (Generic)

A simple asynchronous writer to handle file io during training.

Spins up a thread for the file IO so that it does not block the main line of the training procedure. While Python threads do not provide true parallelism of CPU computations across cores, they do allow us to write to files and run Jax computations simultaneously.

__init__(self) special

Create a new ThreadedWriter.

Source code in vmcnet/utils/
def __init__(self):
    """Create a new ThreadedWriter."""
    self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run_thread)
    self._done = False
    self._queue = queue.Queue()

write_out_data(self, directory, name, data_to_save)

Abstract method which saves a piece of data pulled from the queue.


Name Type Description Default
directory str

directory in which to write the checkpoint

name str

filename for the checkpoint

data_to_save Any

data to save

Source code in vmcnet/utils/
def write_out_data(self, directory: str, name: str, data_to_save: T):
    """Abstract method which saves a piece of data pulled from the queue.

        directory (str): directory in which to write the checkpoint
        name (str): filename for the checkpoint
        data_to_save (Any): data to save


Initialize the ThreadedWriter by starting its internal thread.

Source code in vmcnet/utils/
def initialize(self):
    """Initialize the ThreadedWriter by starting its internal thread."""

save_data(self, directory, name, data_to_save)

Queue up data to be written to disc.

Source code in vmcnet/utils/
def save_data(self, directory: str, name: str, data_to_save: T):
    """Queue up data to be written to disc."""
    self._queue.put((directory, name, data_to_save))


Stop the thread by setting a flag, and return once it gets the message.

Source code in vmcnet/utils/
def close_and_await(self):
    """Stop the thread by setting a flag, and return once it gets the message."""
    self._done = True

__enter__(self) special

Enter a ThreadedWriter's context, starting up a thread.

Source code in vmcnet/utils/
def __enter__(self):
    """Enter a ThreadedWriter's context, starting up a thread."""
    return self

__exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback) special

Wait for the thread to finish, then leave the ThreadedWriter's context.

Source code in vmcnet/utils/
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
    """Wait for the thread to finish, then leave the ThreadedWriter's context."""

initialize_checkpointing(checkpoint_dir, nhistory_max, logdir=None, checkpoint_every=None)

Initialize checkpointing objects.

A suffix is added to the checkpointing directory if one with the same name already exists in the logdir.

The checkpointing metric (error-adjusted running energy average) is initialized to infinity, and empty arrays are initialized in running_energy_and_variance. The best checkpoint data is initialized to None, and saved_nan_checkpoint is initialized to False.

Source code in vmcnet/utils/
def initialize_checkpointing(
    checkpoint_dir: str,
    nhistory_max: int,
    logdir: str = None,
    checkpoint_every: int = None,
) -> Tuple[str, jnp.float32, RunningEnergyVariance, Optional[CheckpointData], bool]:
    """Initialize checkpointing objects.

    A suffix is added to the checkpointing directory if one with the same name already
    exists in the logdir.

    The checkpointing metric (error-adjusted running energy average) is initialized to
    infinity, and empty arrays are initialized in running_energy_and_variance. The
    best checkpoint data is initialized to None, and saved_nan_checkpoint is initialized
    to False.
    if logdir is not None:"Saving to %s", logdir)
        os.makedirs(logdir, exist_ok=True)
        if checkpoint_every is not None:
            checkpoint_dir = io.add_suffix_for_uniqueness(checkpoint_dir, logdir)
            os.makedirs(os.path.join(logdir, checkpoint_dir), exist_ok=False)

    checkpoint_metric = jnp.inf
    running_energy_and_variance = RunningEnergyVariance(
        RunningMetric(nhistory_max), RunningMetric(nhistory_max)
    best_checkpoint_data = None
    saved_nan_checkpoint = False

    return (

finish_checkpointing(checkpoint_writer, best_checkpoint_data=None, logdir=None)

Save any final checkpoint data to the CheckpointWriter.

Source code in vmcnet/utils/
def finish_checkpointing(
    checkpoint_writer: CheckpointWriter,
    best_checkpoint_data: CheckpointData = None,
    logdir: str = None,
    """Save any final checkpoint data to the CheckpointWriter."""
    if logdir is not None and best_checkpoint_data is not None:
        checkpoint_writer.save_data(logdir, CHECKPOINT_FILE_NAME, best_checkpoint_data)

get_checkpoint_metric(energy_running_avg, variance_running_avg, nsamples, variance_scale)

Get an error-adjusted running average of the energy for checkpointing.

The parameter variance_scale can be tuned and probably should scale linearly with some estimate of the integrated autocorrelation. Higher means more allergic to high variance, lower means more allergic to high energies.


Name Type Description Default
energy_running_avg jnp.float32

running average of the energy

variance_running_avg jnp.float32

running average of the variance

nsamples int

total number of samples reflected in the running averages, equal to the number of parallel chains times the length of the history

variance_scale float

weight of the variance part of the checkpointing metric. The final effect on the variance part is to scale it by jnp.sqrt(variance_scale), i.e. to treat it like the integrated autocorrelation.



Type Description

error adjusted running average of the energy

Source code in vmcnet/utils/
def get_checkpoint_metric(
    energy_running_avg: jnp.float32,
    variance_running_avg: jnp.float32,
    nsamples: int,
    variance_scale: float,
) -> jnp.float32:
    """Get an error-adjusted running average of the energy for checkpointing.

    The parameter variance_scale can be tuned and probably should scale linearly with
    some estimate of the integrated autocorrelation. Higher means more allergic to high
    variance, lower means more allergic to high energies.

        energy_running_avg (jnp.float32): running average of the energy
        variance_running_avg (jnp.float32): running average of the variance
        nsamples (int): total number of samples reflected in the running averages, equal
            to the number of parallel chains times the length of the history
        variance_scale (float): weight of the variance part of the checkpointing metric.
            The final effect on the variance part is to scale it by
            jnp.sqrt(variance_scale), i.e. to treat it like the integrated

        jnp.float32: error adjusted running average of the energy
    # TODO(Jeffmin): eventually maybe put in some cheap best guess at the IAC?
    if variance_scale <= 0.0 or nsamples <= 0:
        return energy_running_avg

    effective_nsamples = nsamples / variance_scale
    return energy_running_avg + jnp.sqrt(variance_running_avg / effective_nsamples)

save_metrics_and_handle_checkpoints(epoch, old_params, new_params, optimizer_state, old_data, new_data, key, metrics, nchains, running_energy_and_variance, checkpoint_writer, metrics_writer, checkpoint_metric, logdir=None, variance_scale=10.0, checkpoint_every=None, best_checkpoint_every=None, best_checkpoint_data=None, checkpoint_dir='checkpoints', checkpoint_if_nans=False, only_checkpoint_first_nans=True, saved_nans_checkpoint=False, record_amplitudes=False, get_amplitude_fn=None)

Checkpoint the current state of the VMC loop.

There are two situations to checkpoint: 1) Regularly, every x epochs, to handle job preemption and track parameters/metrics/state over time, and 2) Whenever a checkpoint metric improves, i.e. the error adjusted running average of the energy.

This is not a pure function, as it modifies the running energy and variance history.


Name Type Description Default
epoch int

current epoch number

old_params pytree-like

model parameters, from before the update function. Needs to be serializable via np.savez.

new_params pytree-like

model parameters, from after the update function.

optimizer_state pytree-like

running state of the optimizer other than the trainable parameters. Needs to be serialiable via np.savez

old_data pytree-like

previous mcmc data (e.g. position and amplitude data). Needs to be serializable via np.savez

new_data pytree-like

new mcmc data (e.g. position and amplitude data). Needs to be serializable via np.savez

metrics dict

dictionary of metrics. If this is not None, then it must include "energy" and "variance". Metrics are currently flattened and written to a row of a text file. See

nchains int

number of parallel MCMC chains being run. This can be difficult to infer from data, depending on the structure of data, whether data has been pmapped, etc.

running_energy_and_variance RunningEnergyVariance

running history of energies and variances

checkpoint_metric jnp.float32

current best error adjusted running average of the energy history

best_checkpoint_every int

limit on how often to save best checkpoint, even if energy is improving. When the error-adjusted running avg of the energy improves, instead of immediately saving a checkpoint, we hold onto the data from that epoch in memory, and if it's still the best one when we hit an epoch which is a multiple of best_checkpoint_every, we save it then. This ensures we don't waste time saving best checkpoints too often when the energy is on a downward trajectory (as we hope it often is!). Defaults to 100.

logdir str

name of parent log directory. If None, no checkpointing is done. Defaults to None.

variance_scale float

scale of the variance term in the error-adjusted running avg of the energy. Higher means the variance is more important, and lower means the energy is more important. See :func:~vmctrain.train.vmc.get_checkpoint_metric. Defaults to 10.0.

checkpoint_every int

how often to regularly save checkpoints. If None, checkpoints are only saved when the error-adjusted running avg of the energy improves. Defaults to None.

best_checkpoint_data CheckpointData

the data needed to save a checkpoint for the best energy observed so far.

checkpoint_dir str

name of subdirectory to save the regular checkpoints. These are saved as "logdir/checkpoint_dir/(epoch + 1).npz". Defaults to "checkpoints".

checkpoint_if_nans bool

whether to save checkpoints when nan energy values are recorded. Defaults to False.

only_checkpoint_first_nans bool

whether to checkpoint only the first time nans are encountered, or every time. Useful to capture a nan checkpoint without risking writing too many checkpoints if the optimization starts to hit nans most or every epoch after some point. Only relevant if checkpoint_if_nans is True. Defaults to True.

saved_nans_checkpoint bool

whether a nans checkpoint has already been saved. Only relevant if checkpoint_if_nans and only_checkpoint_first_nans are both True, and used in that case to decide whether to save further nans checkpoints or not. Defaults to False.



Type Description
(jnp.float32, str, CheckpointData, bool)

best error-adjusted energy average, then string indicating if checkpointing has been done, then new best checkpoint data (or None), then the updated value of saved_nans_checkpoint.

Source code in vmcnet/utils/
def save_metrics_and_handle_checkpoints(
    epoch: int,
    old_params: P,
    new_params: P,
    optimizer_state: S,
    old_data: D,
    new_data: D,
    key: PRNGKey,
    metrics: Dict,
    nchains: int,
    running_energy_and_variance: RunningEnergyVariance,
    checkpoint_writer: CheckpointWriter,
    metrics_writer: MetricsWriter,
    checkpoint_metric: jnp.float32,
    logdir: Optional[str] = None,
    variance_scale: float = 10.0,
    checkpoint_every: Optional[int] = None,
    best_checkpoint_every: Optional[int] = None,
    best_checkpoint_data: Optional[CheckpointData[D, P, S]] = None,
    checkpoint_dir: str = "checkpoints",
    checkpoint_if_nans: bool = False,
    only_checkpoint_first_nans: bool = True,
    saved_nans_checkpoint: bool = False,
    record_amplitudes: bool = False,
    get_amplitude_fn: Optional[GetAmplitudeFromData[D]] = None,
) -> Tuple[jnp.float32, str, Optional[CheckpointData[D, P, S]], bool]:
    """Checkpoint the current state of the VMC loop.

    There are two situations to checkpoint:
        1) Regularly, every x epochs, to handle job preemption and track
        parameters/metrics/state over time, and
        2) Whenever a checkpoint metric improves, i.e. the error adjusted running
        average of the energy.

    This is not a pure function, as it modifies the running energy and variance history.

        epoch (int): current epoch number
        old_params (pytree-like): model parameters, from before the update function.
            Needs to be serializable via `np.savez`.
        new_params (pytree-like): model parameters, from after the update function.
        optimizer_state (pytree-like): running state of the optimizer other than the
            trainable parameters. Needs to be serialiable via `np.savez`
        old_data (pytree-like): previous mcmc data (e.g. position and amplitude data).
            Needs to be serializable via `np.savez`
        new_data (pytree-like): new mcmc data (e.g. position and amplitude data). Needs
            to be serializable via `np.savez`
        metrics (dict): dictionary of metrics. If this is not None, then it must include
            "energy" and "variance". Metrics are currently flattened and written to a
            row of a text file. See :func:``.
        nchains (int): number of parallel MCMC chains being run. This can be difficult
            to infer from data, depending on the structure of data, whether data has
            been pmapped, etc.
        running_energy_and_variance (RunningEnergyVariance): running history of energies
            and variances
        checkpoint_metric (jnp.float32): current best error adjusted running average of
            the energy history
        best_checkpoint_every (int): limit on how often to save best
            checkpoint, even if energy is improving. When the error-adjusted running avg
            of the energy improves, instead of immediately saving a checkpoint, we hold
            onto the data from that epoch in memory, and if it's still the best one when
            we hit an epoch which is a multiple of `best_checkpoint_every`, we save it
            then. This ensures we don't waste time saving best checkpoints too often
            when the energy is on a downward trajectory (as we hope it often is!).
            Defaults to 100.
        logdir (str, optional): name of parent log directory. If None, no checkpointing
            is done. Defaults to None.
        variance_scale (float, optional): scale of the variance term in the
            error-adjusted running avg of the energy. Higher means the variance is more
            important, and lower means the energy is more important. See
            :func:`~vmctrain.train.vmc.get_checkpoint_metric`. Defaults to 10.0.
        checkpoint_every (int, optional): how often to regularly save checkpoints. If
            None, checkpoints are only saved when the error-adjusted running avg of the
            energy improves. Defaults to None.
        best_checkpoint_data (CheckpointData, optional): the data needed to save a
            checkpoint for the best energy observed so far.
        checkpoint_dir (str, optional): name of subdirectory to save the regular
            checkpoints. These are saved as "logdir/checkpoint_dir/(epoch + 1).npz".
            Defaults to "checkpoints".
        checkpoint_if_nans (bool, optional): whether to save checkpoints when
            nan energy values are recorded. Defaults to False.
        only_checkpoint_first_nans (bool, optional): whether to checkpoint only the
            first time nans are encountered, or every time. Useful to capture a nan
            checkpoint without risking writing too many checkpoints if the optimization
            starts to hit nans most or every epoch after some point. Only relevant if
            checkpoint_if_nans is True. Defaults to True.
        saved_nans_checkpoint (bool, optional): whether a nans checkpoint has already
            been saved. Only relevant if checkpoint_if_nans and
            only_checkpoint_first_nans are both True, and used in that case to decide
            whether to save further nans checkpoints or not. Defaults to False.

        (jnp.float32, str, CheckpointData, bool): best error-adjusted energy average,
        then string indicating if checkpointing has been done, then new best checkpoint
        data (or None), then the updated value of saved_nans_checkpoint.
    checkpoint_str = ""
    if logdir is None or metrics is None:
        # do nothing
        return (

        metrics, new_data, record_amplitudes, get_amplitude_fn

    checkpoint_str, saved_nans_checkpoint = save_metrics_and_regular_checkpoint(

    ) = track_and_save_best_checkpoint(

    return (
        jnp.minimum(error_adjusted_running_avg, checkpoint_metric),

track_and_save_best_checkpoint(epoch, old_params, optimizer_state, data, key, metrics, nchains, running_energy_and_variance, checkpoint_writer, checkpoint_metric, logdir, variance_scale, checkpoint_str, best_checkpoint_every=None, best_checkpoint_data=None)

Update running avgs and checkpoint if the error-adjusted energy avg improves.


Name Type Description Default
epoch int

current epoch number

old_params pytree-like

model parameters, from before the update function. Needs to be serializable via np.savez.

optimizer_state pytree-like

running state of the optimizer other than the trainable parameters. Needs to be serialiable via np.savez

data pytree-like

current mcmc data (e.g. position and amplitude data). Needs to be serializable via np.savez

metrics dict

dictionary of metrics. If this is not None, then it must include "energy" and "variance". Metrics are currently flattened and written to a row of a text file. See

nchains int

number of parallel MCMC chains being run. This can be difficult to infer from data, depending on the structure of data, whether data has been pmapped, etc.

running_energy_and_variance RunningEnergyVariance

running history of energies and variances

checkpoint_metric jnp.float32

current best error adjusted running average of the energy history

logdir str

name of parent log directory. If None, no checkpointing is done. Defaults to None.

variance_scale float

scale of the variance term in the error-adjusted running avg of the energy. Higher means the variance is more important, and lower means the energy is more important. See :func:~vmctrain.train.vmc.get_checkpoint_metric.

checkpoint_str str

string indicating whether checkpointing has previously occurred

best_checkpoint_every int

limit on how often to save best checkpoint, even if energy is improving. When the error-adjusted running avg of the energy improves, instead of immediately saving a checkpoint, we hold onto the data from that epoch in memory, and if it's still the best one when we hit an epoch which is a multiple of best_checkpoint_every, we save it then. This ensures we don't waste time saving best checkpoints too often when the energy is on a downward trajectory (as we hope it often is!). Defaults to 100.

best_checkpoint_data CheckpointData

the data needed to save a checkpoint for the best energy observed so far.



Type Description
(str, jnp.float32, CheckpointData)

previous checkpointing string with additional info if this function did checkpointing, then best error-adjusted energy average, then new best checkpoint data, or None.

Source code in vmcnet/utils/
def track_and_save_best_checkpoint(
    epoch: int,
    old_params: P,
    optimizer_state: S,
    data: D,
    key: PRNGKey,
    metrics: Dict,
    nchains: int,
    running_energy_and_variance: RunningEnergyVariance,
    checkpoint_writer: CheckpointWriter,
    checkpoint_metric: jnp.float32,
    logdir: str,
    variance_scale: float,
    checkpoint_str: str,
    best_checkpoint_every: Optional[int] = None,
    best_checkpoint_data: Optional[CheckpointData[D, P, S]] = None,
) -> Tuple[str, jnp.float32, Optional[CheckpointData[D, P, S]]]:
    """Update running avgs and checkpoint if the error-adjusted energy avg improves.

        epoch (int): current epoch number
        old_params (pytree-like): model parameters, from before the update function.
            Needs to be serializable via `np.savez`.
        optimizer_state (pytree-like): running state of the optimizer other than the
            trainable parameters. Needs to be serialiable via `np.savez`
        data (pytree-like): current mcmc data (e.g. position and amplitude data). Needs
            to be serializable via `np.savez`
        metrics (dict): dictionary of metrics. If this is not None, then it must include
            "energy" and "variance". Metrics are currently flattened and written to a
            row of a text file. See :func:``.
        nchains (int): number of parallel MCMC chains being run. This can be difficult
            to infer from data, depending on the structure of data, whether data has
            been pmapped, etc.
        running_energy_and_variance (RunningEnergyVariance): running history of energies
            and variances
        checkpoint_metric (jnp.float32): current best error adjusted running average of
            the energy history
        logdir (str): name of parent log directory. If None, no checkpointing
            is done. Defaults to None.
        variance_scale (float): scale of the variance term in the
            error-adjusted running avg of the energy. Higher means the variance is more
            important, and lower means the energy is more important. See
        checkpoint_str (str): string indicating whether checkpointing has previously
        best_checkpoint_every (int, optional): limit on how often to save best
            checkpoint, even if energy is improving. When the error-adjusted running avg
            of the energy improves, instead of immediately saving a checkpoint, we hold
            onto the data from that epoch in memory, and if it's still the best one when
            we hit an epoch which is a multiple of `best_checkpoint_every`, we save it
            then. This ensures we don't waste time saving best checkpoints too often
            when the energy is on a downward trajectory (as we hope it often is!).
            Defaults to 100.
        best_checkpoint_data (CheckpointData, optional): the data needed to save a
            checkpoint for the best energy observed so far.

        (str, jnp.float32, CheckpointData): previous checkpointing string with
        additional info if this function did checkpointing, then best error-adjusted
        energy average, then new best checkpoint data, or None.
    if best_checkpoint_every is not None:
        energy, variance = running_energy_and_variance

        error_adjusted_running_avg = get_checkpoint_metric(
            energy.avg, variance.avg, nchains * len(energy.history), variance_scale

        if error_adjusted_running_avg < checkpoint_metric:
            best_checkpoint_data = (

        should_save_best_checkpoint = (epoch + 1) % best_checkpoint_every == 0
        if should_save_best_checkpoint and best_checkpoint_data is not None:
                logdir, CHECKPOINT_FILE_NAME, best_checkpoint_data
            checkpoint_str = checkpoint_str + ", best weights saved"
            best_checkpoint_data = None
        error_adjusted_running_avg = checkpoint_metric

    return checkpoint_str, error_adjusted_running_avg, best_checkpoint_data

save_metrics_and_regular_checkpoint(epoch, old_params, new_params, optimizer_state, data, key, metrics, logdir, checkpoint_writer, metrics_writer, checkpoint_dir, checkpoint_str, checkpoint_every=None, checkpoint_if_nans=False, only_checkpoint_first_nans=True, saved_nans_checkpoint=False)

Save current metrics to file, and save model state regularly.

This currently touches the disk repeatedly, once for each metric, which is probably fairly inefficient, especially if called every epoch (as it currently is in :func:~vmcnet.train.vmc.vmc_loop).


Name Type Description Default
epoch int

current epoch number

old_params pytree-like

model parameters, from before the update function. Needs to be serializable via np.savez.

new_params pytree-like

model parameters, from after the update function.

optimizer_state pytree-like

running state of the optimizer other than the trainable parameters. Needs to be serialiable via np.savez

data pytree-like

current mcmc data (e.g. position and amplitude data). Needs to be serializable via np.savez

metrics dict

dictionary of metrics. If this is not None, then it must include "energy" and "variance". Metrics are currently flattened and written to a row of a text file. See

checkpoint_str str

string indicating whether checkpointing has previously occurred

logdir str

name of parent log directory. If None, no checkpointing is done. Defaults to None.

checkpoint_dir str

name of subdirectory to save the regular checkpoints. These are saved as "logdir/checkpoint_dir/(epoch + 1).npz". Defaults to "checkpoints".

checkpoint_every int

how often to regularly save checkpoints. If None, this function doesn't save the model state. Defaults to None.

checkpoint_if_nans bool

whether to save checkpoints when nan energy values are recorded. Defaults to False.

only_checkpoint_first_nans bool

whether to checkpoint only the first time nans are encountered, or every time. Useful to capture a nan checkpoint without risking writing too many checkpoints if the optimization starts to hit nans most or every epoch after some point. Only relevant if checkpoint_if_nans is True. Defaults to True.

saved_nans_checkpoint bool

whether a nans checkpoint has already been saved. Only relevant if checkpoint_if_nans and only_checkpoint_first_nans are both True, and used in that case to decide whether to save further nans checkpoints or not. Defaults to False.



Type Description
(str, bool)

previous checkpointing string, with additional info if this function did checkpointing; followed by updated value of saved_nans_checkpoint.

Source code in vmcnet/utils/
def save_metrics_and_regular_checkpoint(
    epoch: int,
    old_params: P,
    new_params: P,
    optimizer_state: S,
    data: D,
    key: PRNGKey,
    metrics: Dict,
    logdir: str,
    checkpoint_writer: CheckpointWriter,
    metrics_writer: MetricsWriter,
    checkpoint_dir: str,
    checkpoint_str: str,
    checkpoint_every: int = None,
    checkpoint_if_nans: bool = False,
    only_checkpoint_first_nans: bool = True,
    saved_nans_checkpoint: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
    """Save current metrics to file, and save model state regularly.

    This currently touches the disk repeatedly, once for each metric, which is probably
    fairly inefficient, especially if called every epoch (as it currently is in

        epoch (int): current epoch number
        old_params (pytree-like): model parameters, from before the update function.
            Needs to be serializable via `np.savez`.
        new_params (pytree-like): model parameters, from after the update function.
        optimizer_state (pytree-like): running state of the optimizer other than the
            trainable parameters. Needs to be serialiable via `np.savez`
        data (pytree-like): current mcmc data (e.g. position and amplitude data). Needs
            to be serializable via `np.savez`
        metrics (dict): dictionary of metrics. If this is not None, then it must include
            "energy" and "variance". Metrics are currently flattened and written to a
            row of a text file. See :func:``.
        checkpoint_str (str): string indicating whether checkpointing has previously
        logdir (str): name of parent log directory. If None, no checkpointing
            is done. Defaults to None.
        checkpoint_dir (str): name of subdirectory to save the regular
            checkpoints. These are saved as "logdir/checkpoint_dir/(epoch + 1).npz".
            Defaults to "checkpoints".
        checkpoint_every (int, optional): how often to regularly save checkpoints. If
            None, this function doesn't save the model state. Defaults to None.
        checkpoint_if_nans (bool, optional): whether to save checkpoints when
            nan energy values are recorded. Defaults to False.
        only_checkpoint_first_nans (bool, optional): whether to checkpoint only the
            first time nans are encountered, or every time. Useful to capture a nan
            checkpoint without risking writing too many checkpoints if the optimization
            starts to hit nans most or every epoch after some point. Only relevant if
            checkpoint_if_nans is True. Defaults to True.
        saved_nans_checkpoint (bool, optional): whether a nans checkpoint has already
            been saved. Only relevant if checkpoint_if_nans and
            only_checkpoint_first_nans are both True, and used in that case to decide
            whether to save further nans checkpoints or not. Defaults to False.

        (str, bool): previous checkpointing string, with additional info if this
        function did checkpointing; followed by updated value of saved_nans_checkpoint.
    metrics_writer.save_data(logdir, "", metrics)
    checkpoint_data = (epoch, data, old_params, optimizer_state, key)

    if checkpoint_every is not None:
        if (epoch + 1) % checkpoint_every == 0:
                os.path.join(logdir, checkpoint_dir),
                str(epoch + 1) + ".npz",
            checkpoint_str = checkpoint_str + ", regular ckpt saved"

    save_nans_checkpoint = _should_save_nans_checkpoint(

    if save_nans_checkpoint:
            os.path.join(logdir, checkpoint_dir),
            "nans_" + str(epoch + 1) + ".npz",
        checkpoint_str = checkpoint_str + ", nans ckpt saved"
        saved_nans_checkpoint = True

    return checkpoint_str, saved_nans_checkpoint

log_vmc_loop_state(epoch, metrics, checkpoint_str)

Log current energy, variance, and accept ratio, w/ optional unclipped values.

Source code in vmcnet/utils/
def log_vmc_loop_state(epoch: int, metrics: Dict, checkpoint_str: str) -> None:
    """Log current energy, variance, and accept ratio, w/ optional unclipped values."""
    epoch_str = "Epoch %(epoch)5d"
    energy_str = "Energy: %(energy).5e"
    variance_str = "Variance: %(variance).5e"
    accept_ratio_str = "Accept ratio: %(accept_ratio).5f"
    amplitude_str = ""

    if "energy_noclip" in metrics:
        energy_str = energy_str + " (%(energy_noclip).5e)"

    if "variance_noclip" in metrics:
        variance_str = variance_str + " (%(variance_noclip).5e)"

    if "amplitude_min" in metrics:
        amplitude_str = "Min/max amplitude: %(amplitude_min).2f/%(amplitude_max).2f"

    info_out = ", ".join(
        [epoch_str, energy_str, variance_str, accept_ratio_str, amplitude_str]
    info_out = info_out + checkpoint_str

    logged_metrics = {"epoch": epoch + 1}
    logged_metrics.update(metrics), logged_metrics)