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Main VMC loop.

vmc_loop(params, optimizer_state, data, nchains, nepochs, walker_fn, update_param_fn, key, logdir=None, checkpoint_every=1000, best_checkpoint_every=100, checkpoint_dir='checkpoints', checkpoint_variance_scale=10.0, checkpoint_if_nans=False, only_checkpoint_first_nans=True, record_amplitudes=False, get_amplitude_fn=None, nhistory_max=200)

Main Variational Monte Carlo loop routine.

Variational Monte Carlo (VMC) can be generically viewed as minimizing a parameterized variational loss stochastically by sampling over a data distribution via Monte Carlo sampling. This function implements this idea at a high level, using a walker_fn to sample the data distribution, and passing the optimization step to a generic function update_param_fn.


Name Type Description Default
params pytree-like

model parameters which are trained

optimizer_state pytree-like

initial state of the optimizer

data pytree-like

initial data

nchains int

number of parallel MCMC chains being run. This can be difficult to infer from data, depending on the structure of data, whether data has been pmapped, etc.

nepochs int

number of parameter updates to do

walker_fn Callable

function which does a number of walker steps between each parameter update. Has the signature (data, params, key) -> (mean accept prob, new data, new key)

update_param_fn Callable

function which updates the parameters. Has signature (data, params, optimizer_state, key) -> (new_params, optimizer_state, dict: metrics, key). If metrics is not None, it is required to have the entries "energy" and "variance" at a minimum. If metrics is None, no checkpointing is done.

key PRNGKey

an array with shape (2,) representing a jax PRNG key passed to proposal_fn and used to randomly accept proposals with probabilities output by acceptance_fn

logdir str

name of parent log directory. If None, no checkpointing is done. Defaults to None.

checkpoint_every int

how often to regularly save checkpoints. If None, checkpoints are only saved when the error-adjusted running avg of the energy improves. Defaults to 1000.

best_checkpoint_every int

limit on how often to save best checkpoint, even if energy is improving. When the error-adjusted running avg of the energy improves, instead of immediately saving a checkpoint, we hold onto the data from that epoch in memory, and if it's still the best one when we hit an epoch which is a multiple of best_checkpoint_every, we save it then. This ensures we don't waste time saving best checkpoints too often when the energy is on a downward trajectory (as we hope it often is!). Defaults to 100.

checkpoint_dir str

name of subdirectory to save the regular checkpoints. These are saved as "logdir/checkpoint_dir/(epoch + 1).npz". Defaults to "checkpoints".

checkpoint_variance_scale float

scale of the variance term in the error-adjusted running avg of the energy. Higher means the variance is more important, and lower means the energy is more important. See :func:~vmctrain.train.vmc.get_checkpoint_metric. Defaults to 10.0.

checkpoint_if_nans bool

whether to save checkpoints when nan energy values are recorded. Defaults to False.

only_checkpoint_first_nans bool

whether to checkpoint only the first time nans are encountered, or every time. Useful to capture a nan checkpoint without risking writing too many checkpoints if the optimization starts to hit nans most or every epoch after some point. Only relevant if checkpoint_if_nans is True. Defaults to True.

nhistory_max int

How much history to keep in the running histories of the energy and variance. Defaults to 200.



Type Description
Tuple[~P, ~S, ~D, jax._src.prng.PRNGKeyArray]

A tuple of (trained parameters, final optimizer state, final data, final key). These are the same structure as (params, optimizer_state, initial_data, key).

Source code in vmcnet/train/
def vmc_loop(
    params: P,
    optimizer_state: S,
    data: D,
    nchains: int,
    nepochs: int,
    walker_fn: WalkerFn[P, D],
    update_param_fn: UpdateParamFn[P, D, S],
    key: PRNGKey,
    logdir: str = None,
    checkpoint_every: Optional[int] = 1000,
    best_checkpoint_every: Optional[int] = 100,
    checkpoint_dir: str = "checkpoints",
    checkpoint_variance_scale: float = 10.0,
    checkpoint_if_nans: bool = False,
    only_checkpoint_first_nans: bool = True,
    record_amplitudes: bool = False,
    get_amplitude_fn: Optional[GetAmplitudeFromData[D]] = None,
    nhistory_max: int = 200,
) -> Tuple[P, S, D, PRNGKey]:
    """Main Variational Monte Carlo loop routine.

    Variational Monte Carlo (VMC) can be generically viewed as minimizing a
    parameterized variational loss stochastically by sampling over a data distribution
    via Monte Carlo sampling. This function implements this idea at a high level, using
    a walker_fn to sample the data distribution, and passing the optimization step to a
    generic function `update_param_fn`.

        params (pytree-like): model parameters which are trained
        optimizer_state (pytree-like): initial state of the optimizer
        data (pytree-like): initial data
        nchains (int): number of parallel MCMC chains being run. This can be difficult
            to infer from data, depending on the structure of data, whether data has
            been pmapped, etc.
        nepochs (int): number of parameter updates to do
        walker_fn (Callable): function which does a number of walker steps between each
            parameter update. Has the signature
            (data, params, key) -> (mean accept prob, new data, new key)
        update_param_fn (Callable): function which updates the parameters. Has signature
            (data, params, optimizer_state, key)
                -> (new_params, optimizer_state, dict: metrics, key).
            If metrics is not None, it is required to have the entries "energy" and
            "variance" at a minimum. If metrics is None, no checkpointing is done.
        key (PRNGKey): an array with shape (2,) representing a jax PRNG key passed
            to proposal_fn and used to randomly accept proposals with probabilities
            output by acceptance_fn
        logdir (str, optional): name of parent log directory. If None, no checkpointing
            is done. Defaults to None.
        checkpoint_every (int, optional): how often to regularly save checkpoints. If
            None, checkpoints are only saved when the error-adjusted running avg of the
            energy improves. Defaults to 1000.
        best_checkpoint_every (int, optional): limit on how often to save best
            checkpoint, even if energy is improving. When the error-adjusted running avg
            of the energy improves, instead of immediately saving a checkpoint, we hold
            onto the data from that epoch in memory, and if it's still the best one when
            we hit an epoch which is a multiple of `best_checkpoint_every`, we save it
            then. This ensures we don't waste time saving best checkpoints too often
            when the energy is on a downward trajectory (as we hope it often is!).
            Defaults to 100.
        checkpoint_dir (str, optional): name of subdirectory to save the regular
            checkpoints. These are saved as "logdir/checkpoint_dir/(epoch + 1).npz".
            Defaults to "checkpoints".
        checkpoint_variance_scale (float, optional): scale of the variance term in the
            error-adjusted running avg of the energy. Higher means the variance is more
            important, and lower means the energy is more important. See
            :func:`~vmctrain.train.vmc.get_checkpoint_metric`. Defaults to 10.0.
        checkpoint_if_nans (bool, optional): whether to save checkpoints when
            nan energy values are recorded. Defaults to False.
        only_checkpoint_first_nans (bool, optional): whether to checkpoint only the
            first time nans are encountered, or every time. Useful to capture a nan
            checkpoint without risking writing too many checkpoints if the optimization
            starts to hit nans most or every epoch after some point. Only relevant if
            checkpoint_if_nans is True. Defaults to True.
        nhistory_max (int, optional): How much history to keep in the running histories
            of the energy and variance. Defaults to 200.

        A tuple of (trained parameters, final optimizer state, final data, final key).
        These are the same structure as (params, optimizer_state, initial_data, key).
    ) = utils.checkpoint.initialize_checkpointing(
        checkpoint_dir, nhistory_max, logdir, checkpoint_every

    with CheckpointWriter() as checkpoint_writer, MetricsWriter() as metrics_writer:
        for epoch in range(nepochs):
            # Save state for checkpointing at the start of the epoch for two reasons:
            # 1. To save the model that generates the best energy and variance metrics,
            # rather than the model one parameter UPDATE after the best metrics.
            # 2. To ensure a fully consistent state can be reloaded from a checkpoint, &
            # the exact subsequent behavior can be reproduced (if run on same machine).
            old_params = params
            old_state = optimizer_state
            old_data = data
            old_key = key

            accept_ratio, data, key = walker_fn(params, data, key)

            params, optimizer_state, metrics, key = update_param_fn(
                params, data, optimizer_state, key

            if metrics is None:  # don't checkpoint if no metrics to checkpoint

            metrics["accept_ratio"] = accept_ratio

            ) = utils.checkpoint.save_metrics_and_handle_checkpoints(
            utils.checkpoint.log_vmc_loop_state(epoch, metrics, checkpoint_str)
            # TODO: add flag which gives a way to break out of the VMC loop when the
            # first nan has been hit, to keep jobs from running past useful output in
            # some cases

            checkpoint_writer, best_checkpoint_data, logdir

    return params, optimizer_state, data, key