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Antisymmetry parts to compose into a model.

FactorizedAntisymmetrize (Module) dataclass

Separately antisymmetrize fns over leaves of a pytree and return the product.

See for a description of the factorized antisymmetric layer.


Name Type Description
fns_to_antisymmetrize pytree

pytree of functions with the same tree structure as the input pytree, each of which is a Callable with signature Array of shape (..., ninput_dim) -> Array of shape (..., dout). On the ith leaf, ninput_dim = n[i] * din[i], where n[i] is the size of the second-to-last axis and din[i] is the size of the last axis of the input xs.

logabs bool

whether to compute sum_i log(abs(psi_i)) if logabs is True, or prod_i psi_i if logabs is False, where psi_i is the output from antisymmetrizing the ith function on the ith input. Defaults to True.

__call__(self, xs) special

Antisymmetrize the leaves of self.fns_to_antisymmetrize on the leaves of xs.


Name Type Description Default
xs pytree

pytree of inputs with the same tree structure as that of self.fns_to_antisymmetrize. The ith leaf has shape (..., n[i], d[i]), and the ith antisymmetrization happens with respect to n[i].



Type Description
Array or SLArray

prod_i psi_i if self.logabs is False, or prod_i sign(psi_i), sum_i log(abs(psi_i)) if self.logabs is True, where psi_i is the output from antisymmetrizing the ith function on the ith input.

Source code in vmcnet/models/
def __call__(self, xs: PyTree) -> Union[Array, SLArray]:  # type: ignore[override]
    """Antisymmetrize the leaves of self.fns_to_antisymmetrize on the leaves of xs.

        xs (pytree): pytree of inputs with the same tree structure as that of
            self.fns_to_antisymmetrize. The ith leaf has shape (..., n[i], d[i]),
            and the ith antisymmetrization happens with respect to n[i].

        Array or SLArray:
            prod_i psi_i if self.logabs is False, or
            prod_i sign(psi_i), sum_i log(abs(psi_i)) if self.logabs is True,
        where psi_i is the output from antisymmetrizing the ith function on the ith
    # Flatten the trees for fns_to_antisymmetrize and xs, because Module
    # freezes all instances of lists to tuples, so this can cause treedef
    # compatibility problems
    antisyms = jax.tree_map(
    if not self.logabs:
        return _reduce_prod_over_leaves(antisyms)

    slog_antisyms = array_list_to_slog(jax.tree_leaves(antisyms))
    return functools.reduce(slog_multiply, slog_antisyms)

GenericAntisymmetrize (Module) dataclass

Antisymmetrize a single function over the leaves of a pytree.

See for a description of the generic antisymmetric layer.

For each leaf of a pytree, a given function of all the leaves is antisymmetrized over the second-to-last axis of each leaf. These explicit antisymmetrization operations are composed with each other (they commute, so the order does not matter), giving an output which is antisymmetric with respect to particle exchange within each leaf but not with respect to particle exchange between leaves.


Name Type Description
fn_to_antisymmetrize Callable

Callable with signature Array with shape (..., ninput_dim) -> (..., 1). This is the function to be antisymmetrized. ninput_dim is equal to n[1] * d[1] + ... + n[k] * d[k], where n[i] is the size of the second-to-last axis and d[i] is the size of the last axis of the ith leaf of the input xs.

logabs bool

whether to compute log(abs(psi)) if logabs is True, or psi if logabs is False, where psi is the output from antisymmetrizing self.fn_to_antisymmetrize. Defaults to True.


Setup the function to antisymmetrize.

Source code in vmcnet/models/
def setup(self):
    """Setup the function to antisymmetrize."""
    # workaround MyPy's typing error for callable attribute, see
    self._fn_to_antisymmetrize = self.fn_to_antisymmetrize

__call__(self, xs) special

Antisymmetrize self.fn_to_antisymmetrize over the leaves of xs.


Name Type Description Default
xs pytree

a pytree of inputs, each which corresponds to a different set of particles to antisymmetrize with respect to. The ith leaf has shape (..., n[i], d[i]), and the antisymmetrization happens with respect to n[i].



Type Description

psi if logabs is False, or sign(psi), log(abs(psi)) if self.logabs is True, where psi is the output from antisymmetrizing self.fn_to_antisymmetrize on all leaves of xs.

Source code in vmcnet/models/
def __call__(self, xs: PyTree) -> Union[Array, SLArray]:  # type: ignore[override]
    """Antisymmetrize self.fn_to_antisymmetrize over the leaves of xs.

        xs (pytree): a pytree of inputs, each which corresponds to a different set
            of particles to antisymmetrize with respect to. The ith leaf has shape
            (..., n[i], d[i]), and the antisymmetrization happens with respect to

            psi if logabs is False, or
            sign(psi), log(abs(psi)) if self.logabs is True,
        where psi is the output from antisymmetrizing
        self.fn_to_antisymmetrize on all leaves of xs.
    perms_and_signs = jax.tree_map(self._get_single_leaf_perm, xs)
    perms_and_signs_leaves, _ = jax.tree_flatten(
        perms_and_signs, is_tuple_of_arrays
    nleaves = len(perms_and_signs_leaves)
    nperms_per_leaf = [leaf[0].shape[-3] for leaf in perms_and_signs_leaves]

    broadcasted_perms = []
    reshaped_signs = []
    for i, (leaf_perms, leaf_signs) in enumerate(perms_and_signs_leaves):
        ith_factorial = (1,) * i + leaf_signs.shape[0:1] + (1,) * (nleaves - i - 1)

        # desired sign[i] shape is (1, ..., n_i!, ..., 1, 1), with nspins + 1 dims
        sign_shape = ith_factorial + (1,)
        leaf_signs = jnp.reshape(leaf_signs, sign_shape)

        # desired broadcasted x_i shape is [i: (..., n_1!, ..., n_k!, n_i * d_i)],
        # where k = nleaves, and x_i = (..., n_i, d_i). This is achieved by:
        # 1) reshape to (..., 1, ..., n_i!,... 1, n_i, d_i), then
        # 2) broadcast to (..., n_1!, ..., n_k!, n_i, d_i)
        # 3) flatten last axis to (..., n_1!, ..., n_k!, n_i * d_i)
        reshape_x_shape = (
            leaf_perms.shape[:-3] + ith_factorial + leaf_perms.shape[-2:]
        broadcast_x_shape = (
            leaf_perms.shape[:-3] + tuple(nperms_per_leaf) + leaf_perms.shape[-2:]
        leaf_perms = jnp.reshape(leaf_perms, reshape_x_shape)
        leaf_perms = jnp.broadcast_to(leaf_perms, broadcast_x_shape)
        flat_leaf_perms = jnp.reshape(leaf_perms, leaf_perms.shape[:-2] + (-1,))

    # make input shape (..., n_1!, ..., n_k!, n_1 * d_1 + ... + n_k * d_k)
    concat_perms = jnp.concatenate(broadcasted_perms, axis=-1)

    all_perms_out = self._fn_to_antisymmetrize(concat_perms)

    # all_perms_out has shape (..., n_1!, ..., n_k!, 1)
    # Each leaf of reshaped_signs has k+1 axes, but all except the ith axis has size
    # 1. The ith axis has size n_i!. Thus when the leaves of reshaped_signs are
    # multiplied with all_perms_out, the product will broadcast each leaf and apply
    # the signs along the correct (ith) axis of the output.
    signed_perms_out = _reduce_prod_over_leaves([all_perms_out, reshaped_signs])

    antisymmetrized_out = jnp.sum(
        signed_perms_out, axis=tuple(-i for i in range(1, nleaves + 2))
    if not self.logabs:
        return antisymmetrized_out

    return array_to_slog(antisymmetrized_out)

ParallelPermutations (Module) dataclass

Get all perms along the 2nd-to-last axis, w/ perms stored as a constant.

If inputs are shape (..., n, d), then the outputs are shape (..., n!, n, d). The signs of the permutations are also returned. This layer is here so that the permutations and their signs are stored as a constant in the computational graph, instead of being recomputed at each iteration. This makes sense to do if there is enough memory to store all permutations of the input and any downstream computations, so that downstream computations can be done in parallel on all permutations. If there is not enough memory for this, then it is better to compute the permutations on the fly.


Name Type Description
n int

size of the second-to-last axis of the inputs. Should be >= 1.


Store the list of permutations and signs for the symmetric group.

Source code in vmcnet/models/
def setup(self):
    """Store the list of permutations and signs for the symmetric group."""
    self.permutation_list = jnp.array(list(itertools.permutations(range(self.n))))
    self.signs = _get_lexicographic_signs(self.n)

__call__(self, x) special

Collect all permutations of x and the signs of these permutations.


Name Type Description Default
x Array

an array of particles with shape (..., n, d)



Type Description
(Array, Array)

all permutations of x along the second axis, with shape (..., n!, n, d), and the signs of the permutations in the same order as the third-to-last axis (lexicographic order)

Source code in vmcnet/models/
def __call__(self, x: Array) -> Tuple[Array, Array]:  # type: ignore[override]
    """Collect all permutations of x and the signs of these permutations.

        x (Array): an array of particles with shape (..., n, d)

        (Array, Array): all permutations of x along the second axis,
        with shape (..., n!, n, d), and the signs of the permutations in the same
        order as the third-to-last axis (lexicographic order)
    return jnp.take(x, self.permutation_list, axis=-2), self.signs


Compute the (sign, log) of the product of determinants of the leaves of a pytree.


Name Type Description Default
xs pytree

pytree of tensors which are square in the last two dimensions, i.e. all leaves must have shape (..., n_leaf, n_leaf); the last two dims can be different from leaf to leaf, but the batch dimensions must be the same for all leaves.



Type Description
(Array, Array)

the product of the sign_dets and the sum of the log_dets over all leaves of the pytree xs

Source code in vmcnet/models/
def slogdet_product(xs: PyTree) -> SLArray:
    """Compute the (sign, log) of the product of determinants of the leaves of a pytree.

        xs (pytree): pytree of tensors which are square in the last two dimensions, i.e.
            all leaves must have shape (..., n_leaf, n_leaf); the last two dims can
            be different from leaf to leaf, but the batch dimensions must be the same
            for all leaves.

        (Array, Array): the product of the sign_dets and the sum of the
        log_dets over all leaves of the pytree xs
    slogdets = jax.tree_map(jnp.linalg.slogdet, xs)

    slogdet_leaves, _ = jax.tree_flatten(slogdets, is_tuple_of_arrays)
    sign_prod, log_prod = functools.reduce(
        lambda a, b: (a[0] * b[0], a[1] + b[1]), slogdet_leaves
    return sign_prod, log_prod


Compute the log|prod_x det(x)| of the leaves x of a pytree (throwing away sign).

Because we don't need to carry sign, the logic can be made slightly simpler and we can avoid a few computations.


Name Type Description Default
xs pytree

pytree of tensors which are square in the last two dimensions, i.e. all leaves must have shape (..., n_leaf, n_leaf); the last two dims can be different from leaf to leaf, but the batch dimensions must be the same for all leaves.



Type Description

the sum of the log_dets over all leaves of the pytree xs, which is equal to the log of the product of the dets over all leaves of xs

Source code in vmcnet/models/
def logdet_product(xs: PyTree) -> Array:
    """Compute the log|prod_x det(x)| of the leaves x of a pytree (throwing away sign).

    Because we don't need to carry sign, the logic can be made slightly simpler and
    we can avoid a few computations.

        xs (pytree): pytree of tensors which are square in the last two dimensions, i.e.
            all leaves must have shape (..., n_leaf, n_leaf); the last two dims can
            be different from leaf to leaf, but the batch dimensions must be the same
            for all leaves.

        Array: the sum of the log_dets over all leaves of the pytree xs, which is
        equal to the log of the product of the dets over all leaves of xs
    logdets = jax.tree_map(lambda x: jnp.linalg.slogdet(x)[1], xs)
    log_prod = _reduce_sum_over_leaves(logdets)
    return log_prod