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Antiequivariant parts to compose into a model.

OrbitalCofactorAntiequivarianceLayer (Module) dataclass

Apply a cofactor antiequivariance multiplicatively to equivariant inputs.


Name Type Description
spin_split ParticleSplit

number of spins to split the input equally, or specified sequence of locations to split along the 2nd-to-last axis. E.g., if nelec = 10, and spin_split = 2, then the input is split (5, 5). If nelec = 10, and spin_split = (2, 4), then the input is split into (2, 4, 4) -- note when spin_split is a sequence, there will be one more spin than the length of the sequence. In the original use-case of spin-1/2 particles, spin_split should be either the number 2 (for closed-shell systems) or should be a Sequence with length 1 whose element is less than the total number of electrons.

kernel_initializer_orbital_linear WeightInitializer

kernel initializer for the linear part of the orbitals. Has signature (key, shape, dtype) -> Array

kernel_initializer_envelope_dim WeightInitializer

kernel initializer for the decay rate in the exponential envelopes. If isotropic_decay is True, then this initializes a single decay rate number per ion and orbital. Ifisotropic_decay is False, then this initializes a 3x3 matrix per ion and orbital. Has signature (key, shape, dtype) -> Array

kernel_initializer_envelope_ion WeightInitializer

kernel initializer for the linear combination over the ions of exponential envelopes. Has signature (key, shape, dtype) -> Array

bias_initializer_orbital_linear WeightInitializer

bias initializer for the linear part of the orbitals. Has signature (key, shape, dtype) -> Array

orbitals_use_bias bool

whether to add a bias term to the linear part of the orbitals. Defaults to True.

isotropic_decay bool

whether the decay for each ion should be anisotropic (w.r.t. the dimensions of the input), giving envelopes of the form exp(-||A(r - R)||) for a dxd matrix A or isotropic, giving exp(-||a(r - R||)) for a number a.

__call__(self, eq_inputs, r_ei=None) special

Calculate the orbitals and the cofactor-based antiequivariance.

For a single spin, if the the orbital matrix is M, and the cofactor matrix of the orbital matrix is C, the ith output will be equal to M_(i,0) * C_(i,0) * (-1)**i. For multiple spins, each spin is handled separately in this same way.


Name Type Description Default
eq_inputs ndarray

(Array): array of shape (..., nelec, d), which should contain values that are equivariant with respect to the particle positions.

r_ei Array

array of shape (..., nelec, nion, d) representing electron-ion displacements, which if present will be used as an extra input to the orbital layer.



Type Description

per-spin list where each list entry is an array of shape (..., nelec, 1).

Source code in vmcnet/models/
def __call__(  # type: ignore[override]
    self, eq_inputs: Array, r_ei: Array = None
) -> ArrayList:
    """Calculate the orbitals and the cofactor-based antiequivariance.

    For a single spin, if the the orbital matrix is M, and the cofactor matrix of
    the orbital matrix is C, the ith output will be equal to
    M_(i,0) * C_(i,0) * (-1)**i. For multiple spins, each spin is handled separately
    in this same way.

        eq_inputs: (Array): array of shape (..., nelec, d), which should
            contain values that are equivariant with respect to the particle
        r_ei (Array, optional): array of shape (..., nelec, nion, d)
            representing electron-ion displacements, which if present will be used
            as an extra input to the orbital layer.

        (ArrayList): per-spin list where each list entry is an array of shape
        (..., nelec, 1).
    nelec_total = eq_inputs.shape[-2]
    nelec_per_spin = get_nelec_per_split(self.spin_split, nelec_total)
    ferminet_orbital_layer = FermiNetOrbitalLayer(

    # Calculate orbital matrices as list of shape [(..., nelec[i], nelec[i])]
    orbital_matrix_list = ferminet_orbital_layer(eq_inputs, r_ei)
    # Calculate cofactors as list of shape [(..., nelec[i])]
    cofactors = jax.tree_map(cofactor_antieq, orbital_matrix_list)
    return jax.tree_map(lambda x: jnp.expand_dims(x, -1), cofactors)

PerParticleDeterminantAntiequivarianceLayer (Module) dataclass

Antieq. layer based on determinants of per-particle orbital matrices, slog out.


Name Type Description
spin_split ParticleSplit

number of spins to split the input equally, or specified sequence of locations to split along the 2nd-to-last axis. E.g., if nelec = 10, and spin_split = 2, then the input is split (5, 5). If nelec = 10, and spin_split = (2, 4), then the input is split into (2, 4, 4) -- note when spin_split is a sequence, there will be one more spin than the length of the sequence. In the original use-case of spin-1/2 particles, spin_split should be either the number 2 (for closed-shell systems) or should be a Sequence with length 1 whose element is less than the total number of electrons.

kernel_initializer_orbital_linear WeightInitializer

kernel initializer for the linear part of the orbitals. Has signature (key, shape, dtype) -> Array

kernel_initializer_envelope_dim WeightInitializer

kernel initializer for the decay rate in the exponential envelopes. If isotropic_decay is True, then this initializes a single decay rate number per ion and orbital. Ifisotropic_decay is False, then this initializes a 3x3 matrix per ion and orbital. Has signature (key, shape, dtype) -> Array

kernel_initializer_envelope_ion WeightInitializer

kernel initializer for the linear combination over the ions of exponential envelopes. Has signature (key, shape, dtype) -> Array

bias_initializer_orbital_linear WeightInitializer

bias initializer for the linear part of the orbitals. Has signature (key, shape, dtype) -> Array

orbitals_use_bias bool

whether to add a bias term to the linear part of the orbitals. Defaults to True.

isotropic_decay bool

whether the decay for each ion should be anisotropic (w.r.t. the dimensions of the input), giving envelopes of the form exp(-||A(r - R)||) for a dxd matrix A or isotropic, giving exp(-||a(r - R||)) for a number a.

__call__(self, eq_inputs, r_ei=None) special

Calculate the per-particle orbitals and the antiequivariant determinants.

For a single spin, if the orbital matrix for particle p is M_p, the output at index p will be equal to det(M_p). For multiple spins, each spin is handled separately in this same way.


Name Type Description Default
eq_inputs ndarray

(Array): array of shape (..., nelec, d), which should contain values that are equivariant with respect to the particle positions.

r_ei Array

array of shape (..., nelec, nion, d) representing electron-ion displacements, which if present will be used as an extra input to the orbital layer.



Type Description

per-spin list where each list entry is an array of shape (..., nelec, 1).

Source code in vmcnet/models/
def __call__(  # type: ignore[override]
    self, eq_inputs: Array, r_ei: Array = None
) -> ArrayList:
    """Calculate the per-particle orbitals and the antiequivariant determinants.

    For a single spin, if the orbital matrix for particle p is M_p, the output at
    index p will be equal to det(M_p). For multiple spins, each spin is handled
    separately in this same way.

        eq_inputs: (Array): array of shape (..., nelec, d), which should
            contain values that are equivariant with respect to the particle
        r_ei (Array, optional): array of shape (..., nelec, nion, d)
            representing electron-ion displacements, which if present will be used
            as an extra input to the orbital layer.

        (ArrayList): per-spin list where each list entry is an array of shape
        (..., nelec, 1).
    nelec_total = eq_inputs.shape[-2]
    nelec_per_spin = get_nelec_per_split(self.spin_split, nelec_total)
    equivariant_orbital_layer = DoublyEquivariantOrbitalLayer(

    # ArrayList of shape (..., nelec[i], nelec[i], nelec[i])
    orbital_matrix_list = equivariant_orbital_layer(eq_inputs, r_ei)
    # ArrayList of nspins arrays of shape (..., nelec[i])
    dets = jax.tree_map(jnp.linalg.det, orbital_matrix_list)
    return jax.tree_map(lambda x: jnp.expand_dims(x, -1), dets)

SLogOrbitalCofactorAntiequivarianceLayer (Module) dataclass

Apply a cofactor antieq. multiplicatively to equivariant inputs with slog out.


Name Type Description
spin_split ParticleSplit

number of spins to split the input equally, or specified sequence of locations to split along the 2nd-to-last axis. E.g., if nelec = 10, and spin_split = 2, then the input is split (5, 5). If nelec = 10, and spin_split = (2, 4), then the input is split into (2, 4, 4) -- note when spin_split is a sequence, there will be one more spin than the length of the sequence. In the original use-case of spin-1/2 particles, spin_split should be either the number 2 (for closed-shell systems) or should be a Sequence with length 1 whose element is less than the total number of electrons.

kernel_initializer_orbital_linear WeightInitializer

kernel initializer for the linear part of the orbitals. Has signature (key, shape, dtype) -> Array

kernel_initializer_envelope_dim WeightInitializer

kernel initializer for the decay rate in the exponential envelopes. If isotropic_decay is True, then this initializes a single decay rate number per ion and orbital. Ifisotropic_decay is False, then this initializes a 3x3 matrix per ion and orbital. Has signature (key, shape, dtype) -> Array

kernel_initializer_envelope_ion WeightInitializer

kernel initializer for the linear combination over the ions of exponential envelopes. Has signature (key, shape, dtype) -> Array

bias_initializer_orbital_linear WeightInitializer

bias initializer for the linear part of the orbitals. Has signature (key, shape, dtype) -> Array

orbitals_use_bias bool

whether to add a bias term to the linear part of the orbitals. Defaults to True.

isotropic_decay bool

whether the decay for each ion should be anisotropic (w.r.t. the dimensions of the input), giving envelopes of the form exp(-||A(r - R)||) for a dxd matrix A or isotropic, giving exp(-||a(r - R||)) for a number a.

__call__(self, eq_inputs, r_ei=None) special

Calculate the orbitals and the cofactor-based antiequivariance.

For a single spin, if the orbital matrix is M, and the cofactor matrix of the orbital matrix is C, the ith output will be equal to M_(i,0) * C_(i,0) * (-1)**i. For multiple spins, each spin is handled separately in this same way.


Name Type Description Default
eq_inputs ndarray

(Array): array of shape (..., nelec, d), which should contain values that are equivariant with respect to the particle positions.

r_ei Array

array of shape (..., nelec, nion, d) representing electron-ion displacements, which if present will be used as an extra input to the orbital layer.



Type Description

per-spin list where each list entry is an slog array of shape (..., nelec, 1).

Source code in vmcnet/models/
def __call__(  # type: ignore[override]
    self, eq_inputs: Array, r_ei: Array = None
) -> SLArrayList:
    """Calculate the orbitals and the cofactor-based antiequivariance.

    For a single spin, if the orbital matrix is M, and the cofactor matrix of the
    orbital matrix is C, the ith output will be equal to
    M_(i,0) * C_(i,0) * (-1)**i. For multiple spins, each spin is handled separately
    in this same way.

        eq_inputs: (Array): array of shape (..., nelec, d), which should
            contain values that are equivariant with respect to the particle
        r_ei (Array, optional): array of shape (..., nelec, nion, d)
            representing electron-ion displacements, which if present will be used
            as an extra input to the orbital layer.

        (SLArrayList): per-spin list where each list entry is an slog array of
        shape (..., nelec, 1).
    nelec_total = eq_inputs.shape[-2]
    nelec_per_spin = get_nelec_per_split(self.spin_split, nelec_total)
    ferminet_orbital_layer = FermiNetOrbitalLayer(

    # Calculate orbital matrices as list of shape [(..., nelec[i], nelec[i])]
    orbital_matrix_list = ferminet_orbital_layer(eq_inputs, r_ei)
    # Calculate slog cofactors as list of shape [((..., nelec[i]), (..., nelec[i]))]
    slog_cofactors = jax.tree_map(slog_cofactor_antieq, orbital_matrix_list)
    return jax.tree_map(lambda x: jnp.expand_dims(x, -1), slog_cofactors)

SLogPerParticleDeterminantAntiequivarianceLayer (Module) dataclass

Antieq. layer based on determinants of per-particle orbital matrices, slog out.


Name Type Description
spin_split ParticleSplit

number of spins to split the input equally, or specified sequence of locations to split along the 2nd-to-last axis. E.g., if nelec = 10, and spin_split = 2, then the input is split (5, 5). If nelec = 10, and spin_split = (2, 4), then the input is split into (2, 4, 4) -- note when spin_split is a sequence, there will be one more spin than the length of the sequence. In the original use-case of spin-1/2 particles, spin_split should be either the number 2 (for closed-shell systems) or should be a Sequence with length 1 whose element is less than the total number of electrons.

kernel_initializer_orbital_linear WeightInitializer

kernel initializer for the linear part of the orbitals. Has signature (key, shape, dtype) -> Array

kernel_initializer_envelope_dim WeightInitializer

kernel initializer for the decay rate in the exponential envelopes. If isotropic_decay is True, then this initializes a single decay rate number per ion and orbital. Ifisotropic_decay is False, then this initializes a 3x3 matrix per ion and orbital. Has signature (key, shape, dtype) -> Array

kernel_initializer_envelope_ion WeightInitializer

kernel initializer for the linear combination over the ions of exponential envelopes. Has signature (key, shape, dtype) -> Array

bias_initializer_orbital_linear WeightInitializer

bias initializer for the linear part of the orbitals. Has signature (key, shape, dtype) -> Array

orbitals_use_bias bool

whether to add a bias term to the linear part of the orbitals. Defaults to True.

isotropic_decay bool

whether the decay for each ion should be anisotropic (w.r.t. the dimensions of the input), giving envelopes of the form exp(-||A(r - R)||) for a dxd matrix A or isotropic, giving exp(-||a(r - R||)) for a number a.

__call__(self, eq_inputs, r_ei=None) special

Calculate the per-particle orbitals and the antiequivariant determinants.

For a single spin, if the the orbital matrix for particle p is M_p, the output at index p will be equal to det(M_p). For multiple spins, each spin is handled separately in this same way.


Name Type Description Default
eq_inputs ndarray

(Array): array of shape (..., nelec, d), which should contain values that are equivariant with respect to the particle positions.

r_ei Array

array of shape (..., nelec, nion, d) representing electron-ion displacements, which if present will be used as an extra input to the orbital layer.



Type Description

per-spin list where each list entry is an slog array of shape (..., nelec, 1).

Source code in vmcnet/models/
def __call__(  # type: ignore[override]
    self, eq_inputs: Array, r_ei: Array = None
) -> SLArrayList:
    """Calculate the per-particle orbitals and the antiequivariant determinants.

    For a single spin, if the the orbital matrix for particle p is M_p, the output
    at index p will be equal to det(M_p). For multiple spins, each spin is handled
    separately in this same way.

        eq_inputs: (Array): array of shape (..., nelec, d), which should
            contain values that are equivariant with respect to the particle
        r_ei (Array, optional): array of shape (..., nelec, nion, d)
            representing electron-ion displacements, which if present will be used
            as an extra input to the orbital layer.

        (SLArrayList): per-spin list where each list entry is an slog array of
        shape (..., nelec, 1).
    nelec_total = eq_inputs.shape[-2]
    nelec_per_spin = get_nelec_per_split(self.spin_split, nelec_total)
    equivariant_orbital_layer = DoublyEquivariantOrbitalLayer(

    # ArrayList of shape (..., nelec[i], nelec[i], nelec[i])
    orbital_matrix_list = equivariant_orbital_layer(eq_inputs, r_ei)
    # SLArrayList of nspins slog arrays of shape (..., nelec[i])
    slog_dets = jax.tree_map(jnp.linalg.slogdet, orbital_matrix_list)
    return jax.tree_map(lambda x: jnp.expand_dims(x, -1), slog_dets)


Get the submatrices of x by deleting row i and col 0, for all rows of x.


Name Type Description Default
x Array

a tensor of orbital matrices which is square in the last two dimensions, thus of shape (..., n, n). The second last dimension is the particle dimension, and the last is the orbital dimension.



Type Description
(int, Array)

n, submatrices of shape (..., n, n-1, n-1), obtained by deleting row (..., i, :) and deleted column is (..., :, 0), for 0 <= i <= n - 1.

Source code in vmcnet/models/
def get_submatrices_along_first_col(x: Array) -> Tuple[int, Array]:
    """Get the submatrices of x by deleting row i and col 0, for all rows of x.

        x (Array): a tensor of orbital matrices which is square in the last two
            dimensions, thus of shape (..., n, n). The second last dimension is the
            particle dimension, and the last is the orbital dimension.

        (int, Array): n, submatrices of shape (..., n, n-1, n-1), obtained by
        deleting row (..., i, :) and deleted column is (..., :, 0), for 0 <= i <= n - 1.
    if len(x.shape) < 2 or x.shape[-1] != x.shape[-2]:
        msg = "Calculating cofactors requires shape (..., n, n), got {}"
        raise ValueError(msg.format(x.shape))

    n = x.shape[-1]
    # Calculate minor_(0,i) by deleting the first orbital and ith particle indices
    submats = [jnp.delete(jnp.delete(x, i, axis=-2), 0, axis=-1) for i in range(n)]

    # Stack on axis -3 to ensure shape (..., n) once det removes the last two axes
    stacked_submats = jnp.stack(submats, axis=-3)
    return n, stacked_submats


Compute a cofactor-based antiequivariance.

Input must be square in the last two dimensions, of shape (..., n, n). The second last dimension is assumed to be the particle dimension, and the last is assumed to be the orbital dimension. The output will be of shape (..., n), preserving the particle dimension but getting rid of the orbital dimension.

The transformation applies to each square matrix separately. Given an nxn matrix M, with cofactor matrix C, the output for that matrix will be a single vector of length n, whose ith component is M_(i,0)C_(i,0)(-1)**i. This is a single term in the cofactor expansion of the determinant of M. Thus, the sum of the returned vector values will always be equal to the determinant of M.

This function implements an antiequivariant transformation, meaning that permuting two particle indices in the input will result in the output having 1) the same two particle indices permuted, and 2) ALL values multiplied by -1.


Name Type Description Default
x Array

a tensor of orbital matrices which is square in the last two dimensions, thus of shape (..., n, n). The second last dimension is the particle dimension, and the last is the orbital dimension.



Type Description

array of shape (..., n), with the ith output (along the last axis) given by the ith term in the cofactor expansion of det(x) along the first entry of the last axis

Source code in vmcnet/models/
def cofactor_antieq(x: Array) -> Array:
    """Compute a cofactor-based antiequivariance.

    Input must be square in the last two dimensions, of shape (..., n, n). The second
    last dimension is assumed to be the particle dimension, and the last is assumed
    to be the orbital dimension. The output will be of shape (..., n), preserving the
    particle dimension but getting rid of the orbital dimension.

    The transformation applies to each square matrix separately. Given an nxn matrix M,
    with cofactor matrix C, the output for that matrix will be a single vector of length
    n, whose ith component is M_(i,0)*C_(i,0)*(-1)**i. This is a single term in the
    cofactor expansion of the determinant of M. Thus, the sum of the returned vector
    values will always be equal to the determinant of M.

    This function implements an antiequivariant transformation, meaning that permuting
    two particle indices in the input will result in the output having 1) the same two
    particle indices permuted, and 2) ALL values multiplied by -1.

        x (Array): a tensor of orbital matrices which is square in the last two
            dimensions, thus of shape (..., n, n). The second last dimension is the
            particle dimension, and the last is the orbital dimension.

        (Array): array of shape (..., n), with the ith output (along the last
        axis) given by the ith term in the cofactor expansion of det(x) along the first
        entry of the last axis
    first_orbital_vals = x[..., 0]
    n, stacked_submatrices = get_submatrices_along_first_col(x)
    cofactors = get_alternating_signs(n) * jnp.linalg.det(stacked_submatrices)
    return first_orbital_vals * cofactors


Compute a cofactor-based antiequivariance, returning results in slogabs form.

See :func:~vmcnet.models.antiequivariance.cofactor_antieq. This function performs the same operations, but gives a result in the (sign, log) domain, going through a jnp.linalg.slogdet call instead of a jnp.linalg.det call.


Name Type Description Default
x Array

a tensor of orbital matrices which is square in the last two dimensions, thus of shape (..., n, n). The second last dimension is the particle dimension, and the last is the orbital dimension.



Type Description
(Array, Array)

tuple of arrays, each of shape (..., n). The first is sign(result), and the second is log(abs(result)).

Source code in vmcnet/models/
def slog_cofactor_antieq(x: Array) -> SLArray:
    """Compute a cofactor-based antiequivariance, returning results in slogabs form.

    See :func:`~vmcnet.models.antiequivariance.cofactor_antieq`. This function performs
    the same operations, but gives a result in the (sign, log) domain, going through
    a jnp.linalg.slogdet call instead of a jnp.linalg.det call.

        x (Array): a tensor of orbital matrices which is square in the last two
            dimensions, thus of shape (..., n, n). The second last dimension is the
            particle dimension, and the last is the orbital dimension.

        (Array, Array): tuple of arrays, each of shape (..., n). The first
        is sign(result), and the second is log(abs(result)).
    # Calculate x_(i, 0) by selecting orbital index 0
    first_orbital_vals = x[..., 0]
    orbital_signs, orbital_logs = array_to_slog(first_orbital_vals)

    n, stacked_submatrices = get_submatrices_along_first_col(x)

    # TODO(ggoldsh): find a faster way to calculate these overlapping determinants.
    (cofactor_signs, cofactor_logs) = jnp.linalg.slogdet(stacked_submatrices)

    signs_and_logs = (
        orbital_signs * cofactor_signs * get_alternating_signs(n),
        orbital_logs + cofactor_logs,
    return signs_and_logs

multiply_antieq_by_eq_features(split_antieq, eq_features, spin_split)

Multiply equivariant input array with a spin-split antiequivariance.


Name Type Description Default
split_antieq ArrayList

list of arrays containing nspins arrays of shape broadcastable to (..., nelec[i], 1)

eq_features Array

array of shape (..., nelec, d)

spin_split ParticleSplit

the spin split.



Type Description

list of per-spin arrays of shape (..., nelec[i], d) which represent the product of the equivariant inputs with the antiequivariance.

Source code in vmcnet/models/
def multiply_antieq_by_eq_features(
    split_antieq: ArrayList,
    eq_features: Array,
    spin_split: ParticleSplit,
) -> ArrayList:
    """Multiply equivariant input array with a spin-split antiequivariance.

        split_antieq (ArrayList): list of arrays containing nspins arrays of shape
            broadcastable to (..., nelec[i], 1)
        eq_features (Array): array of shape (..., nelec, d)
        spin_split (ParticleSplit): the spin split.

        (ArrayList): list of per-spin arrays of shape (..., nelec[i], d) which
        represent the product of the equivariant inputs with the antiequivariance.
    split_inputs = jnp.split(eq_features, spin_split, axis=-2)
    return tree_prod(split_inputs, split_antieq)

multiply_slog_antieq_by_eq_features(split_slog_antieq, eq_features, spin_split)

Multiply equivariant input array with a spin-split slog-form antiequivariance.


Name Type Description Default
split_slog_antieq SLArrayList

SLArrayList containing nspins arrays of shape broadcastable to (..., nelec[i], 1)

eq_features Array

array of shape (..., nelec, d)

spin_split ParticleSplit

the spin split.



Type Description

list of per-spin slog arrays of shape (..., nelec[i], d) which represent the product of the equivariant inputs with the antiequivariance.

Source code in vmcnet/models/
def multiply_slog_antieq_by_eq_features(
    split_slog_antieq: SLArrayList,
    eq_features: Array,
    spin_split: ParticleSplit,
) -> SLArrayList:
    """Multiply equivariant input array with a spin-split slog-form antiequivariance.

        split_slog_antieq (SLArrayList): SLArrayList containing nspins arrays of shape
            broadcastable to (..., nelec[i], 1)
        eq_features (Array): array of shape (..., nelec, d)
        spin_split (ParticleSplit): the spin split.

        (SLArrayList): list of per-spin slog arrays of shape (..., nelec[i], d) which
        represent the product of the equivariant inputs with the antiequivariance.
    # Expand antiequivariance to shape (..., nelec[i], 1)] to broadcast with inputs
    split_slog_inputs = array_list_to_slog(jnp.split(eq_features, spin_split, axis=-2))

    return jax.tree_map(